Habitat Types
It's important to actively make young forest for wildlife.
The Wisconsin Young Forest Partnership offers private landowners consultations and advice on how to create young forest and find funding for habitat projects when available.
Check out below four important habitat types where young forest can readily benefit wildlife: Aspen Forest, Hardwood Forest,
Old Farmland, and Shrub Wetlands.
Why make young forest on your land?
Increase browse and bedding cover for deer
Provide critical feeding and nesting cover for ruffed grouse, woodcock, and other resident birds
Create protective cover for young and migrating songbirds
Make habitat for rare and imperiled wildlife like the golden-winged warbler and more than 40 other Species of Greatest Conservation Need
Mimic natural disturbance events that improve forest diversity by adding new ages and types of trees and shrubs
Create openings where you can watch wildlife
Improve access throughout your land on woods roads, trails, and paths